The most popular types of entertainment in today’s world: Top 10

The older generation is convinced that today’s young people are not interested in anything. Young people have many hobbies that help them develop. Let’s look at the most common types of entertainment around the world.


Music has a huge number of genres, directions and artists, so it has long ago acquired the status of a separate art. Music is a great way to relax. Listening to it relaxes the mind and body. Passion for music develops imagination and becomes a good help for creativity.


Watching movies can easily turn into a hobby. Film buffs may have a preference for a certain genre or watch everything in a row. Some people like to visit cinemas, others set up a separate room for a movie. There are many online cinema services that have a good catalogue of modern films as well as classics.


Books were around long before the internet and television, and so were the only source of knowledge. Nowadays, reading is as much about education as it is about entertainment. Religious, philosophical and historical folios of the past have been replaced by newspapers and journalism. Paper-based sources of information are gradually migrating to the digital world, appearing in electronic format.


You don’t have to be a writer on the big issues like Tolstoy or Dostoevsky. These days you can write for a small website or run a social networking page. Blogging has long gone beyond being a hobby and has become part of modern culture.

Some people write to share their experiences with their subscribers. For others, it’s an opportunity for self-expression; for others, it’s a way to get rid of negativity and find like-minded people. Thoughts transferred to paper or an Internet page have become a way of communicating.

computer entertainment

Video games

Video games are a full-fledged hobby with an army of millions of fans. Modern games require players to have some knowledge or conversely teach a certain skill. Multiplayer versions teach participants the team effect, which is useful in real life.

Connoisseurs of food

Cooking is an art like literature and music. Haute cuisine combines subtlety of flavour, balance of ingredients and beauty of presentation. For a gourmand, food is a means of enjoyment, not of satiation. A true connoisseur can tell the components from the subtle notes.


Exercise strengthens the human body, helping to keep it in top shape. The hobby is not a bad way to assert oneself, especially in team games. By the way, nowadays you can not only play sports, but also just watch. Groups of like-minded people get together in clubs, then watch the performances of their favorite team or athletes.


Just 100 years ago, a trip to a neighbouring town was considered a long journey. With the advent of cars, trains and aeroplanes, travelling is no longer an easy feat. Now, for a small sum of money, you can travel around the country visiting the unknown or discovering the new in the known.

Travelling to other countries is still expensive. To travel to the ends of the earth, a keen traveller needs to save up a certain amount. Often, travellers team up, which saves the budget of the trip.


The hobby of computers has been around for years. A person can build a PC from scratch or create new equipment from old appliances. Experimenting with software and configuring the operating system in the future will be a good profession or additional income. Being able to independently replace the glass in a tablet or keyboard in a laptop puts the performer on a level higher than ordinary users.

Programming is one of the most popular computer hobbies. A person gradually transforms from an ordinary consumer to a creator of digital content. The hobby develops algorithmic and logical thinking skills. One can create both applications and websites.


Television is a source of information, entertainment, education and recreation. Some turn on the TV for background, others rush home from work to catch up on a favourite programme or film. Viewers can adjust the channels to their interests and hobbies, so they spend their free time watching TV.